Elmer NF55 ========== In this tutorial a temperature calculation of first wall panel (FWP) 4 will be presented. This tutorial is a continuation of ITER nf55 benchmark case, that can be seen in :menuselection:`&Tutorials --> ITER NF55 Case`. Temperature distribution will be calculated based on provided surface heat flux distribution, computed with NF55 case. .. _elmerModules: .. figure:: images/elmerModules.png :align: center DropDown selection of Elmer modules. First, one has to move to Elmer module. In the upper toolbar of Smiter GUI we navigate to DropDown selection name *Modules* as shown in image :numref:`elmerModules`. There we see options for different modules, that are available in Smiter. We click on *ELMER*. See figure :numref:`elmerModulesList`. .. _elmerModulesList: .. figure:: images/elmerModulesList.png :align: center List of Elmer modules. The screenshot of Elmer consists of two main dialogs that can be found in the upper toolbar. See figure :numref:`elmerDialogs`. .. _elmerDialogs: .. figure:: images/elmerDialogs.png :align: center Two main dialogs of Elmer module. Two possible dialogs are: * **Create new ELMER case**: With this dialog we can create new Elmer case for temperature calculation. * **Show ELMER tools dialog**: With this dialog we can define completely new ELMER case with its own meshes, boundary conditions, material properties and its own physical model, that does not neccessarily mean heat transfer model, but also other mathematical models like Navier-Stokes equations, thermomechanical analysis, etc. Here, one has to select **Create temperature case**. The following dialog appears on the screen. See figure :numref:`elmerBenchmarkDialog`. .. _elmerBenchmarkDialog: .. figure:: images/elmerBenchmarkDialog.png :align: center Elmer dialog for temperature computation. First, we have to define the name of our case. We choose to input *nf_55*. Then we have to navigate to the ``vtk`` file of the SMITER nf55 case. It can be found in *smiter/studies/elmer_nf55/nf_55.vtk* Then we define the panel type and then the panel position. After all the values are defined, we click *Apply*. After that we can move to the object browser. In the object browser we can see the tree structure of the objects defined in the study. If it is not there, one can click on icon next to *Temperature cases*. See figure :numref:`elmerExpandTemperatures`. .. _elmerExpandTemperatures: .. figure:: images/elmerExpandTemperatures.png :align: center Expand tree in Object Browser. Under Elmer we can see the tutorial case with the name *nf_55 *. If we right-click on it, a list of options appears on the screen. If we click on *Compute case*, the computation will start. With option *Edit case* one can edit the current case options and with option *Delete case* one can delete the case from the study. With option *Delete case* one can delete case from study and with option *Rename case* one can change the name of the case. See figure :numref:`elmerComputeCase`. .. _elmerComputeCase: .. figure:: images/elmerComputeCase.png :align: center Compute case label of Elmer case. With right click on *Compute case* the computation starts. User can also edit or replace current SIF file by right-click on *SIF file* in *Object Browser*. When the cases is ready to run right-click again on case object and click *Compute case*. Refer to figure :numref:`elmerComputeCase`. User can observe different stages of computation in the ELMER Output Dialog located in the bottom left corner. See figure :numref:`elmerOutputConsole`. .. _elmerOutputConsole: .. figure:: images/elmerOutputConsole.png :align: center Output console of temperature calculation. Here we can observe different stages of output, which finger is being calculated, have the meshes been prepared correctly, etc. After the computation is finished, we can move to the ~/elmer-compute folder (or user-defined folder for elmer cases, that can be defined), where temperature files are stored by default. Inside there is a new folder with the same name as the name of input ``vtk`` file. If we open this folder the following file structure is revealed to us. For every finger there is a folder with names *fingerleft* and *fingerright* with ID number of finger. Inside those folders there are mesh files and ``sif`` file of the individual finger. Last two files are the output files of the computation File with ``vtk`` extension contains full mesh with temperatures and heat fluxes. File *temperatures.dat* contains coordinates of nodes on the plasma facing surface and their temperatures in tabular form. Both result files are copied in the main directory of the temperature computation. File *fullVtk.vtk* is a full ``vtk`` file with all the fingers, temperatures and heat fluxes. :: nf_55 ├── fingerleft* │ ├── casevtk.sif │ ├── elmersolver.log │ ├── mesh.boundary │ ├── mesh.header │ ├── mesh.names │ ├── mesh.nodes │ ├── meshpartition.unv │ ├── casevtkfile.0001.vtk │ └── temperatures.dat ├── fingerright* │ ├── casevtk.sif │ ├── elmersolver.log │ ├── mesh.boundary │ ├── mesh.header │ ├── mesh.names │ ├── mesh.nodes │ ├── meshpartition.unv │ ├── casevtkfile.0001.vtk │ └── temperatures.dat ├── caseEHF.sif ├── fingerleft*.vtk ├── fingerright*.vtk ├── Powcal_powx.vtk └── Powcal_powx_Temperatures.vtk Result ------ After the computation has finished, one has to move to Paraview. See figure :numref:`paraviewnavigation`. .. _paraviewnavigation: .. figure:: images/paraview_module_navigation.png :align: center To go to ParaVis module, click on ParaVis icon. Then move to ``Pipeline browser`` and right-click on ``built-in`` and select ``open``. See figure :numref:`paraviewpipelineopen`. .. _paraviewpipelineopen: .. figure:: images/paraview_pipeline_open.png :align: center Import results via pipeline browser. The navigate to the compute folder and select file *Powcal_powx_Temperatures.vtk*. The file will be imported into Paraview and seen in the Pipeline Browser. To change colormap preset, move to Color Map Editor and click on set preset icon, as shown in figure :numref:`colormap_selection`. .. _colormap_selection: .. figure:: images/paraview_colormap_selection.png :align: center The following window (see figure :numref:`colormap_window`) will appear. Select **Black-Body radiation** colormap and click apply. .. _colormap_window: .. figure:: images/paraview_colormap_window.png :align: center Colormap presets. The result is a full first wall panel with temperatures, as shown in the figure :numref:`temperatures_nf_55`. .. _temperatures_nf_55: .. figure:: images/elmerPanel4OnlyTemperatures.png :align: center Temperature results of nf_55 case with **Black-Body radiation** colormap.