.. include:: ../icons.inc .. _inres1-case-imas: Importing meshes with IMAS ========================== In this tutorial the presentation of an alternative way of mesh preparation for the Inres1 test case (section :ref:`inres1-case`), presented in :ref:`inres1-case-meshing`, using IMAS and its IDS databases instead of manually importing and preparing the meshes. The rest of the case procedure - calculation, results analysis etc. is the same as in the :ref:`inres1-case`, continuing from the section :ref:`inres1_case_preparation`. For introduction to IMAS and IDS see HOWTO :ref:`imas`. Downloading prepared IDS """""""""""""""""""""""" First, in order to import meshes using IMAS the required IDS database, containing the required meshes, must be available. For the purposes of this tutorial the IDS was prepared beforehand. In order to download the IDS, run the following command from base smiter directory: .. code-block:: console $ make -C study/imas This will download and extract multiple SMITER benchmark IDSs to ``~/public/imasdb/smiter/3/0``, including the one needed in this tutorial (IDS with parameters shot: 6, run: 5). Reading mesh from the IDS """"""""""""""""""""""""" 1. To read the mesh from IDS, activate the SMITER module. Then proceed to run the IDS2SMESH tool, either by clicking on the |imas_read_ids| or click on :menuselection:`&Smiter -> &IMAS -> Read mesh from IDS` from the menu. .. image:: images/inres1_imas_IDS2SMESH_navigation_1.* :align: center .. image:: images/inres1_imas_IDS2SMESH_navigation_2.* :align: center 2. A popup window will display. .. image:: images/inres1_imas_IDS2SMESH_window.* :align: center Insert the following parameters of the IDS *get* dialogue: * run: 6 * shot: 5 * user: ${USER} * device: smiter where ${USER} is your system username. 3. Click :guilabel:`Apply`. If everything went ``OK``, a message will be displayed .. image:: images/inres1_imas_IDS2SMESH_finish.* :align: center Click :guilabel:`Ok` and afterwards :guilabel:`Close`. New meshes will be shown in the ``SALOME Object browser`` with the meshes representing: * smiter-aux -> Wall mesh * target -> Target mesh * shadow -> Shadow mesh 4. Activate ``Mesh`` module. .. image:: images/inres1_imas_mesh_module_select.* :align: center 5. Display the loaded meshes in the ``SMESH`` module. The display of each mesh can be turned on/off by right clicking on the mesh in the ``SALOME Object browser`` (multiple selection is possible) and selecting ``Show`` or by clicking the eye icon on the left side of the mesh name. .. image:: images/inres1_imas_mesh_module_1.* :align: center Now the meshes are prepared and the the rest of the Inres1 case tutorial (case computation preparation, run instructions, resulty analysis etc.) can be followed in section :ref:`inres1_case_preparation`.