4.6. SMITER Parallelisation

Author:Leon Kos

Most of the computation time when having large models and therefore many triangles to calculate is spent in the powcal code.

4.6.1. Introducing MPI to powcal

Change of compiler to support MPI in when building powcal

diff --git a/f95/Makefile.powcal b/f95/Makefile.powcal
index 606e157..00783cf 100644
--- a/f95/Makefile.powcal
+++ b/f95/Makefile.powcal
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ MODULES=$(SOURCES:.f90=.mod)


+F90 = mpif90

$(F90) $(F90FLAGS) -o $(PROG) $(OBJECTS)  $(LIBS)

Building powcall and submitting to the SLURM scheduler is possible by

$ make -f Makefile.powcal
$ sbatch a.cmd
Submitted batch job 528580
$<g2kosl@s59 /pfs/work/g2kosl/KFWP4/P>cat a.cmd
#SBATCH -N1 -n5                     # 36 cores on 1 node
#SBATCH --time=0:05:00              # time limits: 1 hour
#SBATCH --error=myJob.err           # standard error file
#SBATCH --output=myJob.out          # standard output file
#SBATCH --partition=bdw_fua_gwdbg   # partition name (for Gateway: bdw_fua_gw)
##SBATCH --qos=bdw_fua_gw           # no quality of service for debug queue
echo "Hello from ${hostname}"
rm Powcal_powcal.out Powcal_powx.vtk
mpirun ${HOME}/smiter/f95/powcal Powcal
$ squeue -u $USER
        528670 bdw_fua_g    a.cmd   g2kosl  R       0:19      1 r040c03s01

The main program needs initialization and for a start disabling of all sections that write results to files.

diff --git a/f95/powcal.f90 b/f95/powcal.f90
index 25cff21..32c625b 100644
--- a/f95/powcal.f90
+++ b/f95/powcal.f90
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ program powcal_p
   use odes_m
   use stack_m

+  use mpi
   implicit none

 ! Local variables
@@ -83,6 +85,9 @@ program powcal_p
   integer(ki4):: ifldspec !< field specification
   real(kr8):: zivac !< value of I in field file
   real(kr8):: zfac !< ratio of I in different field files
+  integer error
+  call MPI_Init ( error )
 !! initialise timing

@@ -205,6 +210,7 @@ program powcal_p
   call powcal_refine(powcal,gshadl,btree)
   call clock_stop(8)
+if (.false.) then
 ! field line ends
   if (powcal%powres%flinends) then
      call gfile_close
@@ -248,6 +254,7 @@ program powcal_p
   call poutfile_write(powcal,timestamp)
   call poutfile_close
   call clock_stop(30)
+end if
 !! cleanup and closedown
 !      if (powcal%powres%n%nanalau==1) then
@@ -264,5 +271,6 @@ program powcal_p
   call log_close
   call clock_delete
+  call MPI_Finalize ( error )

 end program powcal_p

However, nearly all modules write into a .log file through log module. As one process can have host one open file, we separate logs by adding processor rank to the filename extension.

diff --git a/f95/log_m.f90 b/f95/log_m.f90
index dfc8bf4..e07e6eb 100644
--- a/f95/log_m.f90
+++ b/f95/log_m.f90
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module log_m

   use const_kind_m
   use date_time_m
+  use mpi

   implicit none
@@ -59,6 +60,9 @@ subroutine log_init(fileroot,timestamp)
   logical :: unitused !< flag to test unit is available
   integer(ki4) :: ilen  !< length of string

+  integer rank, error
+  character(5)  :: log_id
   !! initialise counters
@@ -74,6 +78,10 @@ subroutine log_init(fileroot,timestamp)
   ! and reset file root

+  call MPI_Comm_Rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, error)
+  write(log_id, '(I5.5)'), rank
+  logfile = trim(logfile)//'-'//trim(log_id)
   !! get file unit
   do i=99,1,-1

This way we get one log file per processor. As this log files tend to be quit large, it would be better for performance reasons that we replace all logs by dummy subroutines or prepare pre-processing macros that will ignore the log sentences in all relevant modules.

The main loops that can receive paralelisation are within powcal_m.f90 module and subroutine powcal_move(self, gshadl, btree). We distribute computation with stride in number of processors.

diff --git a/f95/powcal_m.f90 b/f95/powcal_m.f90
index 47bbf44..586204d 100644
--- a/f95/powcal_m.f90
+++ b/f95/powcal_m.f90
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module powcal_m
   use termplane_m
   use edgprof_h
   use edgprof_m
+  use mpi

   implicit none
@@ -561,6 +562,10 @@ subroutine powcal_move(self,gshadl,btree)
   character(*), parameter :: s_name='powcal_move' !< subroutine name
   type(powelt_t) :: zelt   !< power element

+  INTEGER rank, error, processes
+  call MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, processes, error)
+  call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, error)
   ! check for axisymmetric
   if (self%powres%beq%n%vacfile=='null') then
      if (self%powres%beq%n%mrip/=0) then
@@ -578,7 +583,8 @@ subroutine powcal_move(self,gshadl,btree)
         ! axisymmetric (no ripple field)
         field_type: select case (self%powres%beq%n%fldspec)
         case (1) ! should only be for caltype='local', no termplane
-           do i=1,self%powres%npowe
+           print *, 'MPIDEBUG 0:', self%powres%npowe
+           do i=1+rank,self%powres%npowe,processes
               do j=imlevel,inlevel
                  call powelt_move(zelt,self,gshadl,btree)

Additionally, there are other powelt_move[0-4] subroutines that need this breakdown of workload in the similar manner.

4.6.2. Collecting power elements from neighboring processes

Computation of powcal starts with powcal_move that starts from each triangle in the target until it hits a shadow or it misses and is therefore wetted. This particle moving is the most expensive operation with the end result of labeling the triangle as being in shadow or not. The allocatable array powres%pow is therefore needed to collected from neigboring processes back into process rank 0 that can continue with calculation in serial way in routine powcal_calc that for each wetted element where power deposition with routine powelt_dep on each element is then calculated and stored into arrays powres%pmask, powres%psisa, powres%angle. After calculation of each element some statistics with routine powcal_stat is computed on each element with powelt_stat and powelt_avg and stored into array powres%avg.

The powelt_move* subroutines take zelt index and fill self as powcal_t data structure. Structure powres described in powres_t.f90 file contains allocatable arrays that needs to be correctly Send/Received with MPI.

type(powelt_t) :: zelt   !< power element
type(powcal_t), intent(inout) :: self   !< powcal data structure

!> data structure describing powelt
  type, public :: powelt_t
     integer(ki4)  :: ie !< geometrical object
     integer(ki4)  :: je !< sub-element object
  end type powelt_t

!> type describing all power calculation data
  type, public :: powcal_t
     type(powres_t) :: powres !< powres
     type(edgprof_t) :: edgprof !< edgprof
     type(powlau_t) :: powlau !< powlau
     type(odes_t) :: odes !< odes
     type(pnumerics_t) :: n !< control  parameters
  end type powcal_t

!> type storing power results data
  type, public :: powres_t
     type(posveclis_t) :: vecb !< list of B-vectors
     type(posveclis_t) :: vecx !< list of Cartesian position vectors
     type(geobjlist_t) :: geobjl !< geobj list
     type(beq_t) :: beq !< beq (only part defined)
     integer(ki4)  :: npowe !< number of powelts (ie. level 1 triangles)
     integer(ki4)  :: npow !< number of entries in pow
     integer(ki4)  :: npows !< number of entries in pows (normally use npowe)
     real(kr8) :: rblfac !< Lomas' factor \f$ \frac{1}{2 \pi \lambda_{mid} R_m B_{pm}} \f$
     real(kr8) :: fpfac !< Lomas' factor \f$ \frac{F P_{loss}}}{2 \pi \lambda_{mid} R_m B_{pm}} \f$
     real(kr8) :: slfac !< factor \f$ \frac{\sigma}{2 \lambda_{mid}} \f$
     real(kr8) :: qfac !< quantising factor
     real(kr8), dimension(3) :: qfaca !< quantising factors
     real(kr4), dimension(:), allocatable :: pow !< power
     integer(ki4), dimension(:), allocatable :: pmask !< power mask
     real(kr4), dimension(:), allocatable :: pows !< power statistic
     real(kr4), dimension(:), allocatable :: powa !< power average statistic
     real(kr4), dimension(:), allocatable :: psista !< \f$ \psi \f$ at start of fieldline
     real(kr4), dimension(:), allocatable :: angle
     real(kr4), dimension(:), allocatable :: zbdotnvec
     type(prnumerics_t) :: n !< control  parameters
     real(kr8) :: psimin !< minimum value of \f$ \psi \f$ for interpolation
     real(kr8) :: psimax !< maximum value of \f$ \psi \f$ for interpolation
     real(kr8) :: thetamin !< minimum value of \f$ \theta \f$ for interpolation
     real(kr8) :: thetamax !< maximum value of \f$ \theta \f$ for interpolation
     logical  :: flincart    !< plot switch for field line following
     logical  :: flinx    !< plot switch for field line following
     logical  :: flinends    !< gnuplot switch for field line ends
     logical  :: flinptz    !< plot switch for field line following in \f$ (\psi,\theta,\zeta) \f$
     logical  :: flinm    !< plot switch for field line following in \f$ (\psi,\theta,\zeta) \f$
     integer(ki4)  :: nflends !< gnuplot file unit for field line ends
  end type powres_t

We can continue using strided power element calculation with the following update of the loop after the powelt_move*:

diff --git a/f95/powcal_m.f90 b/f95/powcal_m.f90
index 586204d..c40a975 100644
--- a/f95/powcal_m.f90
+++ b/f95/powcal_m.f90
@@ -562,7 +562,9 @@ subroutine powcal_move(self,gshadl,btree)
   character(*), parameter :: s_name='powcal_move' !< subroutine name
   type(powelt_t) :: zelt   !< power element

-  INTEGER rank, error, processes
+  INTEGER rank, error, processes, request, mpi_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
+  INTEGER expected_number_of_elements !< to receive in rank 0
+  INTEGER k !< counter for elements to be send
   call MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, processes, error)
   call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, error)

@@ -590,7 +592,46 @@ subroutine powcal_move(self,gshadl,btree)
                  call powelt_move(zelt,self,gshadl,btree)
               end do
+              if (rank .eq. 0) then
+                 if (self%powres%npowe - i .ge. processes) then
+                    expected_number_of_elements = processes - 1
+                 else
+                    expected_number_of_elements = self%powres%npowe - i
+                 end if
+                 do k=1, expected_number_of_elements
+                    call MPI_IRecv(self%powres%pow(i+k), 1, MPI_REAL, &
+                         & k, 111+i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request, error)
+                 end do
+              else
+                 call MPI_ISend(self%powres%pow(i), 1, MPI_REAL, &
+                      & 0, 111+i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, request, error)
+              end if
+           call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, error)
            end do
         case default ! should only be fldspec=3, all caltypes with termplane
            calcn_type: select case (self%n%caltype)
            case ('afws','local')

Without MPI_Barrier at the end of each “swarm” of non-blocking communication we receive Exhausted 1048576 MQ irecv request descriptors, which usually indicates a user program error or insufficient request descriptors (PSM2_MQ_RECVREQS_MAX=1048576) message. The message indicates that we should wait at least every millionth message to be received before continuing.

Rank 0 process is therefore collects the results and finally prepares the files when we enable:

diff --git a/f95/powcal.f90 b/f95/powcal.f90
index 32c625b..980961e 100644
--- a/f95/powcal.f90
+++ b/f95/powcal.f90
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ program powcal_p
   real(kr8):: zivac !< value of I in field file
   real(kr8):: zfac !< ratio of I in different field files

-  integer error
+  integer error, rank
   call MPI_Init ( error )
 !! initialise timing
@@ -210,7 +210,9 @@ program powcal_p
   call powcal_refine(powcal,gshadl,btree)
   call clock_stop(8)
-if (.false.) then
+  call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, error)
+if (rank .eq. 0) then
 ! field line ends
   if (powcal%powres%flinends) then
      call gfile_close

Timings for NF55 benchmark case, reported as powcal evaluation time in the output are the following :

Processors run time(s) evaluation time
1 184 172
2 104 90
4 62 47
8 42 26
16 29 16
32 26 14
64 26 14

Disabling processor logging with:

diff --git a/f95/log_m.f90 b/f95/log_m.f90
index e07e6eb..d7c2aff 100644
--- a/f95/log_m.f90
+++ b/f95/log_m.f90
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ subroutine log_init(fileroot,timestamp)
   ! and reset file root

+  return
   call MPI_Comm_Rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, error)
   write(log_id, '(I5.5)'), rank
   logfile = trim(logfile)//'-'//trim(log_id)
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ subroutine log_error(modname,subname,point,severity,errormessage)
   character(*), intent(in) :: errormessage  !< error message

   !! local
+  return
   if(severity<log_info) then
      write(nlog, '(i7.7,a,i2,a)') &
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ subroutine log_alloc_check(modname,subname,point,status)
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: subname  !< subprogram name
   integer, intent(in) :: point    !< calling point
   integer, intent(in) :: status   !< error status flag
      call log_error(modname,subname,point,error_fatal,'allocation failed')
   end if
@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ end subroutine log_getunit
 subroutine log_close

   !! arguments
+  return
   write(nlog, '(//,a,/,a)') ' Error Summary ',' ------------- '
   write(nlog, '(a,i7)') ' total number of errors   = ',errorno
   write(nlog, '(a,i7)') ' number of serious errors = ',seriouserrors
@@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ subroutine log_value_ki4(varname,value,units)
   character(*), intent(in) :: varname  !< variable name
   integer(ki4), intent(in) :: value    !< variable value
   character(*), intent(in),optional :: units  !< units name
+  return
   if(present(units)) then
      write(nlog, '("Log  : ",a," = ",i10,1x,a)') varname,value,units
@@ -264,6 +265,7 @@ subroutine log_value_kr4(varname,value,units)
   real(ki4), intent(in) :: value    !< variable value
   character(*), intent(in), optional :: units  !< units name
+  return
   if(present(units)) then
      write(nlog, '("Log  : ",a32,"  = ",g12.5,1x,a)') varname,value,units
@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@ subroutine log_value_kr8(varname,value,units)
   real(ki8), intent(in) :: value    !< variable value
   character(*), intent(in),optional :: units  !< units name
+  return
   if(present(units)) then
      write(nlog, '("Log  : ",a32,"  = ",1pe15.8,2x,a)') varname,value,units
@@ -288,6 +290,7 @@ subroutine log_value_kl(varname,value)
   character(*), intent(in) :: varname  !< variable name
   logical, intent(in) :: value    !< variable value
+  return
   write(nlog, '("Log  : ",a," = ",l2)') varname,value
 end subroutine log_value_kl
 subroutine log_value_char(varname,value)
@@ -295,6 +298,7 @@ subroutine log_value_char(varname,value)
   character(*), intent(in) :: varname  !< variable name
   character(*), intent(in) :: value    !< variable value
+  return
   write(nlog, '("Log  : ",a," = ",a)') varname,value
 end subroutine log_value_char

New timings are obtained (log writes disabled):

Table 4.1 Run and evaluation times with MPI_Barrier compared with no communication.
Processors run time(s) evaluation time RT no comm ET no comm
1 184 172 181 168
2 104 90 96 84
4 62 47 55 42
8 42 26 33 21
16 28 15 24 10
32 25 13 19 5.3
64 26 13 16 2.7

MPI_Barrier run times (RT) and evaluation time (ET) from Table 4.1 when compared to times without communication (no comm) show that practical limit is 32 processors. ET no comm times inside parallel loop dispatching workload show that linear speedup can be achieved. There is 15 seconds of case setup overhead where mainly reading/writing of files and setting up the structure occurs.

powcal run time=                    29.282     secs
pcontrol_init time=                0.28980E-02 secs
geoq_init time=                    0.50290E-02 secs
vacfld_init time=                   0.0000     secs
results geobjlist time=             1.4621     secs
shadow geobjlist time=              9.6960     secs
hds_init time=                      1.1324     secs
initialise powcal time=            0.10057E-01 secs
powcal evaluation time=             14.484     secs
vfile_powx time=                    2.1499     secs
outfile_init time=                 0.33838     secs

Complete timings on two nodes with total of 72 processes [Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v4 @ 2.30GHz] show that most of the overhead time (10 secs) is taking shadow geobjlist setup. Allocate IRecv statuses and requests for receiving strided arrays

Instead of sending non-blocking many small values in allocatable arrays we change strategy and create a MPI derived type of single INTEGER4 or REAL4 size that corresponds to types ki4 and kr4 defined in const_kind_m.f90 respectively.


One needs to assure that MPI_REAL4 actually corresponds in size of bytes to our kr4 = selected_real_kind(6). The same needs to be obeyed for ki4 = selected_int_kind(9) as MPI_INTEGER type.

Rank 0 process will receive all arrays that are variable length and “strided’ by number of processes. For that we pre-allocate MPI arrays of statuses and request. Two new MPI strided types are created before the loop and then free-ed at the end of subroutine

diff --git a/f95/powcal_m.f90 b/f95/powcal_m.f90
index b966780..dc0f637 100644
--- a/f95/powcal_m.f90
+++ b/f95/powcal_m.f90
@@ -562,12 +562,33 @@ subroutine powcal_move(self,gshadl,btree)
   character(*), parameter :: s_name='powcal_move' !< subroutine name
   type(powelt_t) :: zelt   !< power element

+  integer :: rank, processes, error  !< Standard MPI layout variables
+  integer, parameter :: blocklengths(2) = (/1, 1/)
+  integer, parameter :: mpi_kr4_stride_array_types(2) = (/MPI_REAL4, MPI_UB/)
+  integer, parameter :: mpi_ki4_stride_array_types(2) = (/MPI_INTEGER4, MPI_UB/)
+  integer, parameter :: num_arr_irecv = 1 !> num. of od arrays to IRecv
+  integer :: displacements(2)
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: array_of_statuses
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: array_of_requests
+  integer :: mpi_kr4_stride_type, mpi_ki4_stride_type
   call MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, processes, error)
   call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, error)

+  displacements(1) = 0 !< just one INT or REAL the stride at MPI_LB address
+  displacements(2) = 4*processes !< stride of reals and ints of 4 bytes
+  call MPI_Type_struct(2, blocklengths, displacements, &
+       & mpi_kr4_stride_array_types, mpi_kr4_stride_type, error)
+  call MPI_Type_commit(mpi_kr4_stride_type, error)
+  call MPI_Type_struct(2, blocklengths, displacements, &
+       & mpi_ki4_stride_array_types, mpi_ki4_stride_type, error)
+  call MPI_Type_commit(mpi_ki4_stride_type, error)
+  allocate(array_of_statuses(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, num_arr_irecv*processes))
+  allocate(array_of_requests(num_arr_irecv*processes))
   ! check for axisymmetric
   if (self%powres%beq%n%vacfile=='null') then
      if (self%powres%beq%n%mrip/=0) then
@@ -635,6 +656,9 @@ subroutine powcal_move(self,gshadl,btree)
      end do
   end if

+  call MPI_Type_free(mpi_ki4_stride_type, error)
+  call MPI_Type_free(mpi_kr4_stride_type, error)
 end subroutine powcal_move
 !> coordinate calculation of power deposition (=powres_XX)

Before we start processing powelt_move* routines in strided way in Rank 0 we claim non-blocking receives. The expected number of strided block count depend on process rank and can differ due to padding according to the total number of triangles in self%powres%npowe.

if (use_non_blocking_communication) then
   if (rank .eq. 0) then
      allocate(array_of_statuses(MPI_STATUS_SIZE, &
        & num_arr_irecv*(processes-1)))
      do i = 1, processes-1 ! i == rank from which we expect array
         strided_block_count = (self%powres%npowe-i)/processes
         if (mod(self%powres%npowe-i, processes) .gt. 0) &
              strided_block_count = strided_block_count + 1
         call MPI_IRecv(self%powres%pow(i+1), strided_block_count, &
              & mpi_kr4_stride_type, i, 111, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &
              & array_of_requests((i-1)*num_arr_irecv + 1), error)
      end do
   end if
end if

When the calculation of each process is finished we send the results immediately with single MPI_Send from neighboring processors to rank 0 process that waits all requests to complete. The order of receiving arrays is unspecified.

if (use_non_blocking_communication) then
   if (rank .eq. 0) then
      call MPI_Waitall(num_arr_irecv*(processes-1), array_of_requests, &
           & array_of_statuses, error)
      deallocate(array_of_statuses, array_of_requests)
      strided_block_count = (self%powres%npowe-rank)/processes
      if (mod(self%powres%npowe-rank, processes) .gt. 0) &
           strided_block_count = strided_block_count + 1
      call MPI_Send(self%powres%pow(rank+1), strided_block_count, &
           & mpi_kr4_stride_type, 0, 111, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &
           &  error)
   end if
else ! use blocking communication
   if (rank .eq. 0) then
      do i=1, processes-1 ! i = rank
         strided_block_count = (self%powres%npowe-i)/processes
         if (mod(self%powres%npowe-i, processes) .gt. 0) &
              strided_block_count = strided_block_count + 1
         call MPI_Recv(self%powres%pow(i+1), strided_block_count, &
              mpi_kr4_stride_type, i, 111, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_status, error)
         call MPI_Recv(self%powres%angle(i+1), strided_block_count, &
              mpi_kr4_stride_type, i, 111, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_status, error)
      end do
      strided_block_count = (self%powres%npowe-rank)/processes
      if (mod(self%powres%npowe-rank, processes) .gt. 0) &
           strided_block_count = strided_block_count + 1
      call MPI_Send(self%powres%pow(rank+1), strided_block_count, &
           mpi_kr4_stride_type, 0, 111, MPI_COMM_WORLD, error)
      call MPI_Send(self%powres%angle(rank+1), strided_block_count, &
           mpi_kr4_stride_type, 0, 111, MPI_COMM_WORLD, error)
   end if
end if

Instead of opening non-blocking receive at the beginning we can just use blocking communication that collects results from each processor at the end of powelt_move* loops when use_non_blocking_communication logical parameter is set to .false..

Table 4.2 Run and evaluation times with MPI_Barrier compared with no communication.
Processors run time(s) evaluation time RT non-blocking ET non-blocking
1 185 170 180 (181) 165 (168)
2 100 86 98 (96) 83 (84)
4 58 43 57 (55) 42 (42)
8 37 21 36 (33) 22 (21)
16 26 12.2 26 (24) 12 (10)
32 21 6.9 21 (19) 6.5 (5.3)
64 19 4.9 19 (16) 4.2 (2.7)

Timings comparing blocking and non-blocking strategy are shown in Table 4.2. Times in parentheses nearby non-blocking times are no communication taken from Table 4.1.

The difference between non-blocking and blocking communication is small as expected. When we compare times with the initial solution (cf.:numref:barrier_times) we see that speedup achieved in the last column is now linear. Larger cases are now possible provided enough computing resources.

4.6.3. Conditional compilation WITH_MPI

If we want to retain serial code and still be able to compile with MPI within the same source code then conditional compilation needs to be introduced. Industry standard for FORTRAN is using CPP preprocessor. Enabling CPP preprocessor is done by renaming file %.f90 extensions to uppercase %.F90 in files and Makefiles. This means that all sources needs to be renamed for conditional compilation to have single rules in Makefiles.

Since all SMITER codes use log_m.F90 module we can’t link serial codes without MPI. This means that serial codes needs to receive at least call to MPI_Init() and MPI_Finalize() when compiling WITH_MPI.

For example in geoq.F90 (see Listing 4.1) we have added conditional use of the MPI module and forced that only rank 0 process is run serially even if geoq is started in parallel.

Listing 4.1 Adaptation to serial processing
diff --git a/f95/geoq.F90 b/f95/geoq.F90
index be9f749..e88d160 100644
--- a/f95/geoq.F90
+++ b/f95/geoq.F90
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 program geoq_p
+#ifdef WITH_MPI
+  use mpi

   use const_kind_m
   use const_numphys_h
@@ -72,6 +75,13 @@ program geoq_p
   integer(ki4):: ifldspec !< field specification
   real(kr8):: zivac !< value of I in field file
   character(len=80) :: ibuf !< character workspace
+#ifdef WITH_MPI
+  integer error, rank
+  call MPI_Init ( error )
+  call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, error)
+  if (rank .eq. 0) then
 !! initialise timing

@@ -383,5 +393,8 @@ program geoq_p
   call log_close
   call clock_delete
+#ifdef WITH_MPI
+  end if
+  call MPI_Finalize ( error )
 end program geoq_p

With all these defines the MPI code will be compiled only then WITH_MPI variable is defined at compile time. Because it is only relevant to define WITH_MPI when we compile with MPI compiler it is reasonable to modify configuration make-files to add define when compiler name contains name mpi.

For example the following update is needed to default compiler configuration:

diff --git a/config/config_gfortran_dbg.inc b/config/config_gfortran_dbg.inc
index 4755f45..88a13fe 100644
--- a/config/config_gfortran_dbg.inc
+++ b/config/config_gfortran_dbg.inc
@@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
 EXEDIR = ../exec

 # Fortran compiler
-F90 = gfortran
+F90 ?= gfortran
 FC = gfortran

 # Fortran compiler flags
 F90FLAGS = -g -fbacktrace -fbounds-check -fexceptions
+ifeq ($(findstring mpi,$(F90)),mpi)

FORTRAN 90 compiler configuration variable F90 is now “deferred” and “overriable” from command line. We can replace F90 compiler variable with environment variable by typing on the command line

$ env F90=mpif90 exec/install


Note that the codes compiled with mpif90 can run on single processor without the need of mpirun command.