4.14. Setting custom samples for POWCAL edgeprofparameters

To set a custom power profile in POWCAL edgeprofparameters the user must fill the following parameters:

  • profile_formula: ‘samples’
  • power_loss: -1
  • power_split: 1
  • coord_of_positions: ‘radius’
  • number_of_positions: 100
  • positions: 100 positions of user specified left and right range
  • deposition_profile: 100 power values on the positions

To properly prepare the profile the user must take into account that:

  • SMARDDA already provides radial distance with a negative sign!
  • The deposition profile must be divided by a normalization factor!

So in order to prepare a range, you would normally set it from -100 mm to 300 mm radial distance from the boundary. In order to provide the same to SMARDDA, the range is actually -300 mm to 100 mm. The range is reversed!

The normalization factor, with which you must divide your profile is

(4.1)\[\frac{-B_{totbdry}}{2 \pi R_m B_m}\]

These values are read from the geoq_geoq.out output file of target GEOQ. The values are stored by first line defining the name of the parameter and the second line containing the value of the parameter:

  • \(R_m\) : rbdry
  • \(B_m\) : bpbdry
  • \(B_{totbdry}\) : btotbdry

A dialog under Smiter –> Case –> Custom single exponential profile prepares a custom single exponential profile where the user specifies the \(Q_0\), \(\lambda\) and the ranges. Then by selecting a SMITER case, the normalization factor is calculated to prepare a normalized power deposition profile.