Public bus transfer information

Please find bellow the user guide to remove the voucher online :
Inside of the website, you go in the grey section “Buy your ticket” (on right of your screen).
You insert the information in connection with the date of travel, the Nice Airport terminal (1 or 2) and the Bus stop you will arrive in Monaco. The time you will specify on the website is not important. You can take the bus anytime on the day you have chosen.

Please note that the discount code will not work if you book title Duo (2 trips) and Go  / Back. If you wish to book a round trip, you need to book separately the two journeys.

If you choose a return trip, indicate the date and time.

Before you submit, you will find at the top a section with “discount code”. Type the given code that for MIIFED 2013 is NADIA, select “apply the discount”, then you can submit.

Step 1 : See your basket and you realize that the amount of your order is 13€.

Step 2 : You specify “you are agree with the general term of use
Then, You continue your order.

Step 3 : You must be registered if you are a new costumer.

Step 4 : You can now print your voucher. You can also record your order in your computer.

Attention : your participants must have the voucher printed for the bus access.

IMPORTANT PLEASE : it is impossible to book and print upon your departure day. A deadline of 24 hours is necessary for the withdrawal of the voucher on-line.
So, we advice you to print your voucher the day before your journey at the latest.
Nevertheless, incase of emergency, you can book and print your voucher upon your departure day, indicating the date of day after. Your voucher will be accepted by the bus driver.